SILK ROAD TOUR Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan Sept-Oct 2018
Tashkent, Samarqand, Bukhara, Khiva, Nukus, Urgench-Konye, Ashqabat, Merv -- and all the Madrasas, Mosques, Museums, and Mausoleums that go with them.
We'll visit vibrant bazaars, boutique hotels, oasis cities, avant garde art collections - take tea in a yurt - make paper from the beloved mulberry tree - 'bust a move' with traditional folk dancers - chew the fat with locals - ride the Tashkent Metro -- and a whole lot more.
This 14-day, all meals inclusive Tour of Uzbekistan & Turkmenistan sits neatly in school holidays for many Australians - and is perfect for anyone who ever dreamed of experiencing the past and present of the legendary Silk Road.
Full Board, fully escorted, expert guides, guest lectures, and free time to wander about on your own, or to sit back and soak it all in.
Twin Share A$5200 per person
Single Supplement + $750
EARLY BIRD Registration before 4 May 2018 JUST $4900pp
Don’t know about you, but I can hardly wait!!